Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Find...

I was at the store Sunday doing my weekly shopping and I get to the ice cream. I think to myself, here I am doing weight watchers pass on by.
Then I think.... buy you some weight watchers ice cream. I stand there looking at them and think why not try something new. There was Skinny Cow ice cream, now I have heard many people say oh it's so good. The ice cream was only 2 points, same as weight watcher brand so I put in the buggy. It was a little pricey, but so is weight watcher ice cream. I have had the weight watchers ice cream and I will say it's good, especially the cookies and cream bar. However, I think that I have found my favorite.

It was wonderful, tell you the truth I could have had another one. Let's just say I didn't though. I was a good girl.

1 comment:

Jen @ One Moms World said...

I have only had the strawberry pops so I am going to try these next time I go to the store. Good find :)