Calling all Mom's and Dad's!!
Kathy Hutto owner of Toddler Bites has the answer to save us time and stop us from worring about our children choking when it comes to food.
I was so excited when we got our Toddler Bites Hotdog Cutter in the mail the other week and I could not wait to try it out. Last night was the night, I wanted us to do something quick and easy for dinner since it was Wednesday and we had church and homework, etc. (Never enough hours in the day, type day.)
When I got everything together I put Chandlers hotdog on his plate and could not wait to try the hotdog cutter. My older son Devon was just as excited as I was. ;o)
Boy did this little cutter help save me time when it come time to cut up Chandler's hotdog! I did not have to stand there trying to cut the hotdog and worry about not trying to cut myself. It was so fast and easy and look how small the peaces of hotdog turned out. I don't have to worry about Chandler choking! What a great idea Kathy has come up with.
Another great thing is your on kids will be able to use this when they get a little bit older and you will not have to worry about them getting cut! It's all made from plastic and there are no sharp edges for them to get cut on.
Toddler Bites has a great line of products that are sure to help all Mom's and Dad's out when it comes to saving time and most importantly keeping your child from choking! Make sure to stop by Toddler Bites website and see what else they have to offer!
How would you like to win your very own hotdog cutter?
Enter to win:
- If you would like to be entered in this giveaway, leave me a comment.
- Follow me on Twitter @Cinoutnumbered and come back and leave me a comment that you did so.
- Tweet about this giveaway and come back and leave me a comment that you did with the link.
Results are in:
True Random Number Generator 1 21 5 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Congratulations Betty of AlwayHopeful, I will be sending you an email soon.
Thanks to all who entered!
Congratulations Betty of AlwayHopeful, I will be sending you an email soon.
Thanks to all who entered!
I would totally love this hot dog cutter!!!!
What a great product!!!
This would be so handy with my youngest 2 boys, however I think I could probably use it for all 4 boys! I would love to have one of these! :)
I would love to get this to use for my granddaughters.Would save the time cutting them up with knives!I babysat a 5 year old years ago that got choked (he was ok) on a hot dog weiner,ever since they scare me with kids..
thank you
alwaysatryin at gmail.com
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nannato5 alwaysatryin at gmail.com
twittered you
alwaysatryin at gmail.com
nannato5http://bit.ly/KBi9O enter toddler bites giveaway!
This would be great for my Grandson son. He's 2. Thanks 4 posting. This is Tee following from the MBC 100!
Oops I meant my Gransdson lol!
All over it :0) comment - check btw love the review, and what toddler parent wouldn't love to have this nifty gadget??
Twitter follwer - check been doin that
post it to twitter - check hope it gets some of my followers here!!
My kids are older so I don't want to enter the giveaway. But I did want to say I think it is a fabulous product.
I sent my sister-in-law this post -- she was complaining about having to cut up her toddler's hot dogs (and bananas) into small pieces. This is a great product -- thanks for posting.
Also, when you get a minute, please stop by my blog to pick up an award for having an exceedingly charming blog...
What a cute idea (and good review, by the way)! I wonder what other foods this could be used for to cut up. :)
I follow you on twitter, of course! (@thxmailcarrier)
Cool invention. Hot dogs still scare me when it comes to little ones. Don't know what it is about those little boogers that just don't go down well.
I don't serve hot dogs around here so don't count this as an entry. :)
I would like to be entered in this giveaway.
I follow on twitter @independentmami
I tweeted
what a great idea-this would be so helpful
follow on twitter
this is awesome!!http://twitter.com/HuntsMomma5481!
That's a cute timesaver! Sign me up! Thanks!
I'm already following you on twitter, but ehres a link to my retweet of your offer: http://twitter.com/?status=@Cinoutnumbered%20&in_reply_to_status_id=4399832373&in_reply_to=Cinoutnumbered
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