Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Weight

It's always seemed to be an issue for me, the only time I can remember being skinny was maybe 1st or 2nd grade if that counts. ;o)

As life has unfolded for me, after having my oldest son who is soon to turn 11 years old I was at my highest weight at 230 lbs. I was depressed as I was a young mother and I gained so much weight. My husband agreed for me to spend some money and join a gym with his aunt and I did Weight Watchers with his mom. I can remember doing these things and I might have lost some weight then but not much. As the years passed I finally set my mind to it that I was going to loose that weight and finally when my son was about 4 years old I really worked on getting it off. I would walk 1 mile each day Monday through Friday soon as I got home and the weight seem to just fall off. I will say that I didn't really change my diet that I can remember. I remember that I hadn't ever felt that good ever. I was down to a size 10-12 and my weight was about 165 lbs, no I wasn't were I wanted to be, but I was happier and felt much better. Why wouldn't I be? I had lost over the years and mostly in one time span 65 lbs.

After my husband and I bought our first home, I decided it was time to get my butt in gear and walk more and try Weight Watchers for the 2nd time. It was a new town and I was scared of going, but I am glad I did as I made a new friend and I did loose weight. I was down to my lowest point at 157 lbs, but I couldn't get any lower no matter what I did. Months past and my husband and I decided to try for our second child, with no luck after a year my midwife suggested I seen an endocrinologist, which he gave me the news I had PCOS. What I have never heard of this. How many of you really ever have? You can go here for that part of my story.

I ended up having a little boy after some help from the endocrinologist, but I did gain over 30 lbs with our youngest son. I was at 170 lbs when I got pregnant with him and after having him I tipped the scale once again over 200 lbs. My good friend Jen had weight to loose and so did I and we agreed to loose the weight together! Once it was okay for me to join, we both joined Weight Watchers. My goal was to be where I was before I got pregnant with him before his first Birthday and I made that goal and have kept it off! Now that I my son will be turning 2 years old the end of July, I have come to terms that I have got to get the last 20 lbs off, the 20 lbs that has been on my mind since loosing the first weight back when my first son was 4 years old.

My goal is 145 lbs and I know I can do this!! Yes, I will say I have it a little bit harder than most women with my PCOS issues but I know that I can do this like I have in the past if I set my mind to it! Last week we got my mind set on it and have started a serious work out plan, at least for me I consider it serious. ;o)

I walk/run two miles a day Monday through Friday and then I am trying to work my way up on the elliptical machine. Right now I am at the 10 min and I hope to make it to 30 before I know it, and then I do weights twice a week.

I will say that I gained 1 lb this week, I am not sure if it's because of working out more or not. I have been watching what I am eating so I am hoping that's what its coming from. This next Tuesday I hope to be able to report a loss.

1st week weigh in: 166.2 lbs

1 comment:

Jen @ One Moms World said...

You can do it! Just look how far we have come :). Love you!!