Now that school is about out this year, how many of you parents out there had to deal with lice? Come on tell us the truth.....
I can say I have been very lucky and I haven't had to deal with it. I hope to stay that way too. I do know for a fact that lice was really bad at another school in town, but didn't make it to the school my son goes too. I wont say there wasn't any cases, because there was but not near as bad as the other local school.
What tips do you tell your kids to keep them from getting lice? I know I tell my son don't ever share a comb, brush or hat. Just be smart about it as lice are so small and spread so quick. I can remember having them three times when I was smaller and boy how awful it was. I would sit on the porch, mom would take one of those special combs and comb through my hair and it would take forever. How can I forget the smelly shampoo and how my head would itch. (Ugh.. it's making it itch as I think back.) Those are the days I never want to relive again!
Zippity Doo's products contain natural ingredients that are mild enough for daily use and yet still provide the health benefits to the hair and scalp. Best of all it helps prevent lice infestation! They are also paraben-free products!
The best part is this wonderful company has it all covered and they are pediatrician approved!
Their hair care products include:
Then for a special bonus:
This spray you can use on your little ones hair, pillows, hats, helmets, backpacks, bedding, toys, combs and it's gentle on all surfaces.I really believe this is a great step that can help protect your child and keep you from adding more work to your day.
How would you like to win your own entire line of products?
Just leave me a comment if you would like to be entered in this giveaway.
Extra chances:
- Follow me on Twitter @Cinoutnumbered and come back and leave me a comment that you did so.
- Follow Zippity Doo's on Twitter @ZippityDoosHair and come back and leave me a comment that you did so.
- Tweet about this giveaway and come back and leave me a comment that you did.
Disclosure: I was in no way paid to write about this as this review comes from my heart. I did receive sample products from Zippity Doo's & MomSelect.com for review.
*** UPDATE*** Congratulations to Jackie@ Healthy Kids with Smart Moms, I will send you an email soon.
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