Tuesday, November 1, 2011

V Season Two on DVD & Blu-ray!

Have you had a chance to pick up your copy of V Season Two on DVD or Blu-ray? If not you really should, you won't be sorry! Check out this clip, I bet it will be leaving you wanting to watch more.

In season two of V, Hobbes constantly calls Ryan out as a traitor even though his treachery has far worse consequences. Not only has Hobbes killed humans, he slept with Erica and then indirectly caused the death of Erica's ex-husband Joe.

Have you ever been in a situation where someone regardless of their own actions kept pointing out what you were doing wrong?

This honestly happens not only on TV, but in real life too. How did you bring this to light or work around it to move forward?

Disclosure: I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote V Season Two on DVD.

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