I am a clean freak, so it's just in my nature to be organized too. How excited I was to received a whole pack of goodies for my son Chandler. This will make life so much easier, as I now can label his cups for daycare, his blankets, coats, and extra clothing. This way I do not have to worry about trying to find a special pens that will keep his name on all these items!
These labels are great! They are kid durable, dishwasher to washing machine friendly and the best part is they are personalized labels. They come in a great colors and shapes that your little ones will love! Loveable Labels was gracious enough to offer my readers a great stocking stuffer for your little ones.
It's a Santas Stuffer package that includes: 6 Star Shaped Fun Stickies 30 Slimline Stickers 16 Dots (4 Lg, 4 Med, 8 Sm) 8 Shoe Labels
These will be personalized for your little one, the packs are just the perfect size to put in your little ones stocking and they are already gift wrapped and contain a message from the Elves!
Enter to win:
If you would like to be entered in this giveaway, leave me a comment.
Follow me on Twitter @Cinoutnumbered and come back and leave me a comment that you did so.
Tweet about this giveaway and come back and leave me a comment that you did with the link.
Make sure to leave a comment for each thing that you do!
This contest will close Thursday December 10th, 2009 at 11:59pm EST. I will announce the winner on Friday December 11th, 2009! The winners will be picked randomly by random. org.
Disclosure: Loveable Labelsdid provide me the items above for me to review and keep, but I was in no way paid to write my review. This review comes from my heart!
Winner Is:
True Random Number Generator 1 5 3 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Congratulations Nanette! I will be in touch with you soon!!
On Friday when I received my own bottle of Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion I was so excited. My hands have become so dry since the weather has got colder. They have even cracked in a couple spots, and the thing is I put lotion on several times a day. I guess with me washing my hands all the time it has something to do with it also.
I broke into the package and applied some of the lotion, I could not believe the feel of it. It was like putting on no lotion that I have ever put on before. The lotion felt funny at first only because I am use to most other lotions. Then it made my hands feel so smooth and wonderful. As I used it over the weekend it has really improved my hands. I love this lotion and actually plan to purchase some in the future.
Few great things I found out about this lotion is that it's not just for your hands, it's for use on your entire body. It's made right here in the US and they use only high quality natural ingredients, and its over 90% all natural. It is free of harmful fragrances, parabens, and colorants making it hypoallergenic. It's a great product that you can even use with your little ones, all the ingredients are considered to be of food grade and are also on the FDA's most safe list.
This would make a great stocking stuffer for Christmas for anyone and I am sure they will love it as much as I have and that's with me only having the product just just a few short days!!
If you would like to be entered in this giveaway, leave me a comment.
Extra chances:
Follow me on Twitter @Cinoutnumbered and come back and leave me a comment that you did so.
Tweet about this giveaway and come back and leave me a comment that you did with the link.
This contest will close Thursday December 10th, 2009 at 11:59pm EST. I will announce the winner on Friday December 11th, 2009! The winners will be picked randomly by random. org.
Disclosure:Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotiondid provide me the items above for me to review and keep, but I was in no way paid to write my review. This review comes from my heart! The winner is:
True Random Number Generator 1 3 1 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Congratulations Xenia!! I will be in touch with you soon!
I missed last week simply because I was spending some much needed time with my family and being thankful for them. This week I want to tell you that I am thankful for my two wonderful boys! God has granted me two great boys and I love them to death. Yes, they are some years apart, 9 years and 20 days apart. At times I feel we are raising two different families or people that see us out think so that's her kid by her first marriage then they have a new one or the other way around. For those that know us, they know they are both our boys. There is a reason for that and you can read that here. As I look back, I wished they where closer in age. However, I know this was God's plan.
Devon our oldest is 10 years old, very smart young man. I should call him that right, as he is growing up on me. He loves to play baseball, and be outside with his dad. Especially being out side and hunting. I was only 17 when I had Devon and as a young mom I worried about everything. I can remember actually thinking to myself after we brought him home, so now what? No doctors or nurses are going to come and check on him? Now it sounds funny but I could not believe that they where turning Brad and I loose with this new little one.
Devon is so funny, he just says things and makes us laugh. Everyone and his class even his teacher tells us that he always makes everyone laugh and smile. His goals as of now, lets remember he is only 10, he wants to attend The University of North Carolina (see the shirts) and become a dentist. No going to Appalachian State University, here in our town and where I work. I tell him to do his best and enjoy life! No matter what his dad and I will be there to support him every step of the way.
Now our newest member of the family, Chandler. Oh Chandler man is a gift that we wanted for a long time. Chandler is now 16 months old and growing like a weed! He always has a smile for me when I walk through the door and those arms fly open for me to pick him up. It's amazing to see him changing every day, and I do mean everyday. Just this past Monday, he stood at the refrigerator took out a yogurt and waited with it in hand for my husband to open it and feed it to him. Small things like that just melt my heart.
I sit back and enjoy every moment I can spend with my boys, I know one day they will be grown. Sniff Sniff.... the joys of being a mother.
It's count down time as Christmas is fast approaching. Do you have in mind what you will get your little ones? If you have a little one that loves cars then this might be something for you to consider when you are out and about or even online shopping. Let me introduce you to Billy Fun Wheels...
Billy is such a great toy for ages 2 years and up. Billy has even won the "2009 Best Picks" from Dr. Toy award. Billy's remote is actually a stirring wheel so it's easier for your little ones to control it. It makes engine sounds and his head lights even work. You little one can even honk Billy's horn. Our little man just loves it, I know it's not just another remote control truck either. It helps him to understand which way the truck is headed, see on the steering wheel remote it lights up which way the truck will go.
Disclosure:I was in no way paid to write my review. This review comes from my heart! I have a meterial connection because I received a sample of Billy Fun Wheels for consideration in preparing to write this content. I am not expected to return this item after my review period.
A couple weeks ago I told you that I could not wait to share with you this wonderful website that I had found. It's CSNbaby.com, a online specialty store and it has any and everything that you need for your baby. I just love the nursery decor selection that they have. They have everything covered from the smallest items such as lamp shades to rugs and even bedding and mobiles. They have so many unique things that I have never seen before.
This site has great gift ideas for baby showers and even Christmas. With Christmas approaching you might find something special for that little one. While looking on there site I came across two wonderful products that I have never seen before and could not wait for Chandler to try them out!
I tell you it's amazing how many toys it can hold and on the top it has room for me to store his body wash/shampoo and you can even hang a sponge or two from his toes. ;o) It unsnaps from the base and I can scoop up his toys and just snap it back into place and then the toys can just drain back into the tub and air dry. Before I received this frog, I was using one of those nets that holds toys and fighting it every time I had to add a toy to it. The net would come undone from the wall, etc. With this frog there are no problems what so ever!
The second item was Edushape Rolliphant Toddler Toy, this toy is wonderful as they can use in the bath tub or just out on the wall.
This toy is so neat because it helps build our little one's fine motor skills. Chandler is almost 16 months old and he will play and play with this toy, till his water starts getting cold. ;o)
These items are so unique, they are not in my local stores, such as Wal-Mart or Target. That's what I love about CSNbaby.com, they have the unique things that other stores do not have. I hope that you will go by their site and check out what they have to offer, esp. for the up coming holiday season!
Disclosure:CSNbaby.com did provide me the items above for me to review and keep, but I was in no way paid to write my review. This review comes from my heart!
I am so thankful for my husband, Brad. Brad is truly my best friend, we have been together for going on 13 years and have been married almost 11 years. Brad is my sole mate and I thank God each day for sending him to me so many years ago. Those years have flown by in a hurry, they have been field with many up and downs but they have all been worth it in the end. We learn from each of these up and downs and grow as a couple.
There is not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for sending Brad into my life. God knew what he was doing and still does. We sit and talk about things we want to do when our nest is empty, places we want to go together. How we will enjoy our grandchildren one day. ;o)
I love to look over a Brad and just stair at him, I always get this little grin from him. One that says Cin I love you. It just melts my heart. Out of the almost 11 years that we have been married I have only spent maybe 5 nights away from him and I can't stand it. I don't sleep, he tells me he can't sleep. I am connected in every way to him and love him more than he will ever know.
One thing that I feel that is very important to me is my marriage, my marriage comes before my kids. Don't get me wrong, I love my boys very much, God is 1st then my marriage. I truly believe that if your marriage does not come before your kids, then how will your marriage (family) stay together?
Today is my Thankful Thursday, I am starting this as something each week I can share on thing that I am thankful for in my life. I am not going to do this just because of the Thanksgiving holiday coming up. I am going to do this because there are so many things in my life that I am thankful for, not just for one day or even one month a year.
My first thing I am most thankful for is my salvation! I was 14 at the time that I was saved and it was an amazing experience. One that I will never forget long as I live, it was not at a church, but instead it was at a football stadium, the Panthers Stadium. Our youth group had went to see Billy Graham preach and it was the most amazing experience in my life. The power of the Lord come over me and I went down on to the field with my mom and spoke to a person down there. I tell you it's one of the best feelings in the world to know that I am forgiven!
Now since that time I have not led the best christian life, I will be the first to admit it. I had my son out of wed lock at the age of 17. I have since married Devon's the father, actually before our he was born. We have been married going on 11 years now. You know though, God is a forgiving God. I know that I have been forgiven and that one day I will meet my heavenly father and see the streets of gold. I will also get to see all the ones that have went on before me. What a wonderful day that will be, to see my grandmother, my other mom. :) Oh there is not a day that goes by that I do not think about her and miss her dearly. I know where she is at and I can't wait to see her again someday.
It's important for me to explain to my children about God and let them know how important he is. I know that is something that I learned and I want to make sure that I pass that on to them. Too, I want them to know as they get older, and get married. They as husband and wife need to put God first! This is one important thing that I learned from my mom and I truly believe in it. I truly believe that marriage is hard work, very hard work. At the age of 17 I learned quick how hard it truly can be. Marriage is something that you have to take day by day and trust that God is guiding you. The foundation of your marriage is built on God.
With anything that you do in life, if you turn to God, he can see you though anything. As my aunt Lois use to tell me when I was little, this verse:
Luke 11:9- "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
As I finished up my lunch, changed my clothes and started out the door. I could not believe how pretty it was outside. It's November 2nd and I live in the High Country of North Carolina, where is the snow and wind? Well let me rephrase that I will say at least the wind?
As I kept walking and noticed so many different things, things I never pay attention to much. The leafs are pretty much gone, I noticed a few hanging on still. They are hanging on for dear life, taking in those last moments connected to life as they know it. The sun was shining down and the crisp cool fall mountain air blew across my skin. What's that ahead of me that I see, it's a baby woolly worm. My goodness it's so small, come to think of it I have not seen a baby one since back in early October. Wonder why he/she is so small still? As I walk on up the path, I see a bigger one and it really makes me wonder why that one was so small. However, I know it's all part of Gods plan why it is so little.
As I continue my walk, I notice the children playing on the local playground. They are so innocent and full of life. They have not a care in the world, just to have fun. I notice all the cars going here and there and wonder if anyone else is seeing life today like I have. All the small things in life, the things that most people don't notice or shall I say take the time to notice. This is one of my steps to a better me, a better Christian, to take the time and enjoy the small wonders that God has given to us.
they just don't always go as we want them to. I have noticed that so much this year. I just sit back and take it day by day and turn it over to the Lord. There is not much else to do right?
I know it's all God's plan and I need to leave it at that. I am like a little kid though can't wait to see what is going to happen next. In time I will see his plan as he has shown me time and time again in my life, but I can't help but sit back and wonder. This weekend we are taking a much needed family trip to a small town in VA, called Burke's Garden. A good friend of my dad's owns a solar cabin there and we love to go for a visit. We went back last Thanksgiving and enjoyed it so much we are going back. Going back to enjoy the peace and quite, back to the nature and to take in the much need simple life. I think to many of us take the simple things in life for granted. I know that I do, and that's why a big change is in order for me and my family. Back to the basics, back where I know I should be.
As I sit and really take in my boys, I think how fast they are growing and changing. It seems like just yesterday Devon started Kindergarten and how he was so scared to walk down the hall to his classroom. How he wanted a night light on in his room at night, how he just needed his Mommy to tuck him in. Oh but my dear Devon is growing up and doing it in a blink of an eye. I sit and listen to a conversation with his father about deer hunting, his friends calling and even talking about his girl friend to me just breaks my heart. How he is growing up so fast and I can do nothing about it, except for stand back and watch him grow into a young man! Sniff Sniff....
I am so excited to let you all know of the wonderful website that I have found. It's CSNbaby.com, a online specialty store and it has any and everything that you need for your baby. I just love the nursery decor selection that they have. They have everything covered from the smallest items such as lamp shades to rugs and even bedding and mobiles. They have so many unique things that I have never seen before, I can't wait to be able to come back in the near future to show you what I have received from them that you may not have ever seen.
With my soon to be 15 month old, I feel as though here in the past week or so all I do is wipe his nose. Don't get me wrong, I would rather be dealing with a cold any day than the flu. The bad part, I know his poor little nose is going to kill him if I use a Kleenex. I don't care how much lotion they put in those things after you use them a while it starts to add up and your nose gets all red and hurts. I mean come on, this is with me personally so you know it does it to our little ones too. So, you ask what else is out there for me to use?
Let me introduce you to Mindee & Julie, the mom masterminds behind Boogie Wipes!
They have created a wonderful product that I am so happy that I got to try and lets just say LOVE! Chandler's nose is not red or irritated. Boogie Wipes are not like a baby wipe, if that is what you are thinking these are like. They are very gentle and made with natural saline to dissolve mucus, they are moisturized with Vitamin E, Aloe and Chamomile.
They come in fun scents that your children will love such as Grape, Fresh scent, and Magic Menthol. The magic Menthol is one that I love, it smells so good and helps Chandler's nose open right up. The package is not big a bulky and the best part, you can get individually wrapped wipes for on the go. Which was great to use on our vacation, easy to just grab out of the diaper bag. Total truth about this wonderful product, they are great for any age!
How would you like a chance to win your very on Boogie Wipes?
Enter to win:
If you would like to be entered in this giveaway, leave me a comment.
Extra chances:
Follow me on Twitter @Cinoutnumbered and come back and leave me a comment that you did so.
Tweet about this giveaway and come back and leave me a comment that you did with the link.
This contest will close October 26, 2009 at 11:59pm EST. I will announce the winner on October 27, 2009! The winners will be picked randomly by random. org.
The winner is:
True Random Number Generator 1 11 4 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Congratulations to LadyG! I will be in contact with you very soon.
Well that is what I would like to think our vacation was, but I will say I sure could use a few days of R&R now. We went on vacation to Orlando, FL and visited the Disney parks. I am sure we walked a few miles a day, maybe along the lines of 5 a day. However, we had a blast!
The crowds where low, we only waited in line at the most 10-15 min, but the only bad thing was the tempature it was in the nice 90's. We had wanting cooler temps, however it did not happen. When we got back home, that's when we seen the cooler temps. We went from the 90's to 38 degrees with flurries when we got back. Needless to say it's still cold up here in these mountains. :)
All in all we had a great time, a time we will never forget. We spent days busy with shows and rides, and then days we just laid at the house and did nothing. If I had the money the plan would be to rent the house for two weeks and go to a park every other day and relax on the off days. As my mom would say "maybe one day when my rich uncle gets out of the poor house". Even though there are only four parks, I would suggest you to take your time enjoy it and plan on spending two days Magic Kingdom and Epcot and one day at Hollywood Studio's and Animal Kingdom, maybe two days with Animal Kingdom. There is so much to do and see, it's just amazing.
Our older son loved Epcot, I felt he learned a lot from this park. There where lots that he wrote about in his journal for school. That's one of the down falls of taking this kind of trip, you want to do it when the crowds are lower so it that puts it when the kids are in school. However, I felt it was worth it he did get his work done while we where down there, and we hope all in all he did not miss to much at school.
Have you ever got one? Please say that you have, just so I know that I am not the only one out there. ;o)
I got my son a zero on his reading log today. Wonderful old mom! I feel so bad, I sent his teacher an email, begging for forgiveness. I mean what more can I do?
Everyday Devon is to get his reading done for the day before I get home. Then he starts on his homework and what he don't understand I help him with when I get home. Then no matter how much he thinks he knows, mom always goes behind to double check. ;o)
This past Friday he had his reading log laid out there on the bar for me to sign. I read the summery he had wrote him being in 5th grade, I feel he is old enough not to have to read to me anymore and can do this task by himself. I sign off and lay the paper back down, we go to do somethings in town. Then the paper just gets shuffled where it should not be on Saturday when I am cleaning. I should have handed it straight to Devon soon as it was signed it and said put this in your book bag, knowing it was due on Monday. Stupid, Stupid me!
He goes to school, and his teacher ask him about it, he said it must be at home. Then in turn she gives him a zero. I know, I know, they are in 5th grade they have to be responsible. However, I feel this is totally my fault, not Devon's. I was the irresponsible mom the one that needs to learn to take more time on little things like this. Today when she told him he was getting a zero, I know it must have just about killed him as it about killed me to hear him tell me that he was getting a zero because of me.
Sniff... Sniff...... Are there any other moms like me out there?
Kathy Hutto owner of Toddler Bites has the answer to save us time and stop us from worring about our children choking when it comes to food. I was so excited when we got our Toddler Bites Hotdog Cutter in the mail the other week and I could not wait to try it out. Last night was the night, I wanted us to do something quick and easy for dinner since it was Wednesday and we had church and homework, etc. (Never enough hours in the day, type day.)
When I got everything together I put Chandlers hotdog on his plate and could not wait to try the hotdog cutter. My older son Devon was just as excited as I was. ;o)
Boy did this little cutter help save me time when it come time to cut up Chandler's hotdog! I did not have to stand there trying to cut the hotdog and worry about not trying to cut myself. It was so fast and easy and look how small the peaces of hotdog turned out. I don't have to worry about Chandler choking! What a great idea Kathy has come up with.
Another great thing is your on kids will be able to use this when they get a little bit older and you will not have to worry about them getting cut! It's all made from plastic and there are no sharp edges for them to get cut on.
Toddler Bites has a great line of products that are sure to help all Mom's and Dad's out when it comes to saving time and most importantly keeping your child from choking! Make sure to stop by Toddler Bites website and see what else they have to offer!
How would you like to win your very own hotdog cutter?
Enter to win:
If you would like to be entered in this giveaway, leave me a comment.
Extra chances:
Follow me on Twitter @Cinoutnumbered and come back and leave me a comment that you did so.
Tweet about this giveaway and come back and leave me a comment that you did with the link.
This contest will close September 28, 2009 at 11:59pm EST. I will announce the winner on September 29, 2009! The winners will be picked randomly by random. org.
Results are in:
True Random Number Generator 1 21 5 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
Congratulations Betty of AlwayHopeful, I will be sending you an email soon.
"Kids will be kids... That's why we're here... Our student health plan helps protect kids while they are being kids."
What a great saying! Don't you think? With all the health care issues in the news lately, it really makes everyone start thinking about health insurance. Especially for our kids, but you ask who can afford it? That's one problem I believe that all of us are facing out there today, everyone is trying to find good health insurance at a good price.
I have come today to tell you a little about a wonderful insurance company, it's not a new start up company. This company has been around for a while. They provide great insurance as I personally have had a plan with them years ago. I have recently found out about a student plan that may be just want you have been looking for. The health plan is available for K12 students who range from ages 5-18 and ages 4-18 in Texas. What's the plan you ask?
Over 2000, not all public school systems/districts throughout the US participate with UHCSR to offer this plan. From small rural schools to the largest in the nation such as LA Unified and Miami/Dade County schools. UHCSR's program is not only available through many participateng school districts and participating private schools. It's nationally available through schools that belong to the Association of Christian Schools International.
Since this plan has been relased the UnitedHealthcare StudentResources has earned parent confidence and a national reputation by offering only the finest, HIPAA- compliant student health plans.
United Healthcare has come up with a wonderful health plan that offers protection/coverage for injury AND sickness, 24/7/365. This plan has being designed to be affordable at $588.00 per policy year or $98.00 every two months. Parents can enroll their student at any point in the school year. What a great savings this plan will be for many parents that thought that they could not afford health care for their son or daughter.
While this K12 Health Plan can provide a level of protection for uninsured children, it is also being purchased by many families who have higher deductible with their employers coverage. If some parents have to pay hundred or even thousands to meet their employers plan deductive, the K12 Health Plan can reimburse them for their children's eligible medical expenses while they are working toward meeting their employers plan deductible. UHCSR has even challenged national trends by INCREASING benefits while KEEPING the premium at 2008 levels.
I encourage each and everyone of you that has children and need health insurance or even if you are paying to much, to check out the full plan details and easy online enrollment at the award winning site www.K12StudentInsurance.com.
Once you are there you can click on Plans & Pricingtab and enter your school district name or even just a few letters to find and select your child's school. Click View Plan Materials to see the plan brochure, and review the Student Health Plan Coverage page regarding Student Injury and Sickness Benefits. Then when ready to enroll, click the Enroll Now button on the Plans & Pricing tab. Complete some information about the child, select the Injury and Sickness plan, create an account, and make a payment by credit card or e-check.
I ask you what do you have to loose? It will be worth your time to go in and look at the plans and prices they have to offer. You just might be surprised at what you find.
Do you know what's just around the corner? Christmas!! How would you like to be able to win a Wall Graphic from Large Format Posters to help out on that Christmas list? So, you ask what is a Wall Graphic? It's a huge sticker that you can peel and stick on any flat surface! How great is that?
Large Format Posters is offering two of my readers a 24”x 24” Wall Graphic. You can choose what you want on wall graphic. It can be a picture of your kids, your child's favorite sports team, anything!
They are sending me one too, I am going to do this for my son for Christmas. I am thinking something along the lines of this........
This giveaway is open to US residents only. Ground shipping is free, but there is a $5.00 handling fee that must be paid by the winner via LargeFormatPosters.com.
Enter to win:
If you would like to be entered in this giveaway, leave me a comment on how you would use this if you win.
Extra chances:
Follow me on Twitter @Cinoutnumbered and come back and leave me a comment that you did so.
Tweet about this giveaway and come back and leave me a comment that you did with the link.
This contest will close September 10, 2009 at 11:59pm EST. I will announce the winner on September 11, 2009! The winners will be picked randomly by random. org.
The winners are:
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-09-11 13:20:19 UTC
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-09-11 13:21:02 UTC
I will be in contact soon with the winners. Thank you to all who entered!
Who could not use this? Well Sandy over at Organize with Sandy is having a great Giveaway that you should check out.
There are a couple of rules you must follow, but heck it will be worth the chance to win. You must have a child 8 years (by August 20, 2009) and older. You must use this to redo your child's bedroom.
How I would love to be able to redo my 10 year old's bedroom. He would be so excited to go and spend this money picking out the things he wants and needs for his room.
See don't you think he could use it too? ;o)
So check out the contest, you never know. You just might be the winner!
How many ladies know what PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is? How many ladies have actually heard of it?
When my husband and I had tried for over a year to get pregnant and had no luck, my mid-wife said let’s try Clomid. Sure I say, why not? Well that time passes and leads to no results, except for a miscarriage. My mid-wife looks me straight in the eye and said Cindy, I think that you need to see an Endocrinologist. What? Me? What the heck is an Endocrinologist?I mean really and why?Then she said Cindy to be honest I believe you have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome known as PCOS.I mean really? Come on at the age of 17, I easily got pregnant with our son who is now 10. Why could I not get pregnant this go around and him on 6 at the time?Maybe, just maybe it was not in God’s plan for us to have another one.This was so hard to hear, how my heart yearned for another child.How could we afford to go to an Endocrinologist? I left that day feeling that my chances of having another child had been flushed down the toilet forever. I told her I would have to talk to my husband and let her know if I wanted her to schedule an appointment for me.As I drove back to work all I could think about was finding out more about PCOS, and what it really meant for me. If I was to go to this doctor would I just fork out this money to him and not have a child to show for it in the end.What really was PCOS? Did I really have it, like she thought?
As I read more about it these where some of the things I found out about it. Note: some symptoms of PCOS include but are not limited to:
·Obesity, weight gain, can’t lose weight
·Irregular or no menstruation
·Oily skin
·Blood pressure issues
·Excess or abnormal hair growth
·Pain in the lower abdomen/ pelvis area
So, as I look at this list even today, I can say just out of the few symptoms I have listed I have most of those problems. As I checked off things on this list I come to find out maybe I really did have PCOS.Even if I could not get pregnant, I need to seek help for this problem. That was my main goal, my health was important and is important so we decided to take that step and go see the Endocrinologist.In late 2006 we made that hour and half journey to see the Endocrinologist several times.During those trips lots of blood work, ultra sounds, etc. where preformed and he told me yes, Cindy you do have PCOS.Then he proceeded to tell me he wanted me to try Metformin and then go from there. He said let’s start small and then work our way up. Why try to start with big meds when we might not even need them.Within two months later I was pregnant and now we have a happy soon to be 13 month old.
I have come to realize there are so many different problems for women with PCOS. Metformin might be some ladies answer to having that child they so desperately wanted, then again it might not be.Everyone is different, no one is the same, so treatments maybe different for you than it was for me. I am not a doctor by any means, but maybe you should read up more about Metfromin and PCOS and see if this is something your doctor feels that you should try.
After having our little guy, I still have to realize that even though I am not trying to get pregnant there are still issues with PCOS, it’s something that I can’t get rid of, and there is no cure.This is something I am going to have to learn to live with and take control of!As I have read books, read online, and talking with the doctor I have found out that women with PCOS have greater chances of developing several serious, life-threatening diseases which can include:
·Type 2 diabetes
·Cardiovascular Disease
·High blood pressure
·Higher risk of heart attack than most women.
Did you know that 50% of women with PCOS will have diabetes or pre-diabetes before age 40? This is why I am monitored and now on Metformin daily. Metfromin is an oral diabetes medicine that helps control blood sugar levels and for some reason seems to help women with PCOS. It’s not been proven, but at least my doctor tells me with the ladies that he sees and uses it with it really does seem to help. I have noticed big time a difference in my facial hair, weight loss, and just the way I feel. I had no energy before. Yea, I know having a little one at home makes you tired, but this was a different tired, the one I had felt before I had even got pregnant and one that I feel for sure was coming from my PCOS.
Weight loss is a big issue for a lot of women with PCOS, its hard work. It really is, I know I have been there. One of the biggest things that I have had to help me was the Metformin, watching my carbohydrates intake and getting some form of exercise. I am not talking about working out an hour a day either, for me taking a walk every other day has worked. I am talking about just a 20-30 min walk. Heck when I first started I could not go that long, I worked my way up to that and now actually can do easy 50 min walk if I want to.Walking is something that’s free, and most of the time easy to do. I know that I can help control my PCOS by doing just little steps.